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From: Linksup Service <diosesgrandeblogs@gmail.com>
Date: mar 28 ago 2018 alle ore 11:07
Subject: Famous Members of the Assemblies of God: Elvis Presley
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From: Linksup Service <diosesgrandeblogs@gmail.com>
Date: mar 28 ago 2018 alle ore 11:07
Subject: Famous Members of the Assemblies of God: Elvis Presley
To: Christian <diosesgrandeblogs.life@blogger.com>, Dio Grande Dio <diosesgrandeblogs.grandes@blogger.com>, Dios Grande <diosesgrandeblogs.grande@blogger.com>, Jesus <diosesgrandeblogs.jesus@blogger.com>, Links Jet <diosesgrandeblogs.links@blogger.com>, linkupservice.jesusalive@blogger.com <linkupservice.jesusalive@blogger.com>, Lugar de Salvacion <diosesgrandeblogs.lugar@blogger.com>, Mondo Cristiano <diosesgrandeblogs.mondo@blogger.com>, Our Blog <diosesgrandeblogs.ourblog@blogger.com>, Place <diosesgrandeblogs.place@blogger.com>, Sapienza <diosesgrandeblogs.sapienza@blogger.com>, World News <diosesgrandeblogs.world@blogger.com>
God is Faithful:
Elvis Aaron Presley, singer, guitarist and actor, was the king of rock and roll. Born in a family of Cherokee origins on January 8, 1935 in Tupelo, Mississippi, at the beginning lives near the neighborhood of black people, in a single room without a bathroom. With his parents, little Elvis attends the Evangelical Church of the Assemblies of God, where he has his first contact with music. Few know, in fact, that Elvis was born in the deep South of the USA in an area called, not surprisingly, the "belt of the Bible".
ELVIS prayed and spoke to many of his GREAT love and worship of LORD JESUS.
Amazing Grace: His Greatest Sacred Songs - Elvis Presley
Elvis grew up in a superficially religious family, sporadically attending First Assembly of God Church in East Tupelo, Mississippi, then First Assembly of God in Memphis. His father and mother were not committed church members, though, and though Elvis attended church frequently with his mother during his childhood, he never made a profession of faith or joined the church. The pastor in Memphis, James E. Haffmill, says Elvis did not sing in church or participate in a church group (Steve Turner, Hungry for Heaven, p. 20). By his high school years, Elvis largely stopped attending church. Elvis's father, Vernon, and mother, Gladys, met at the First Assembly of God in Tupelo, but they eloped a few months later.
...Elvis's mother... was "a woman susceptible to the full spectrum of backwoods superstitions, prone to prophetic dreams and mystical intuitions" (Stairway to Heaven, p. 46).
...By 1956, Presley was a national rock star and teenage idol, and his music and image had a tremendously unwholesome effect upon young people. Parents, pastors, and teachers condemned Elvis's sensual music and suggestive dancing and warned of the evil influence he was exercising among young people.
...Elvis performed and recorded many gospel songs. In the early 1950s he attended all-night gospel quartet concerts at the First Assembly of God and Ellis Auditorium in Memphis and befriended such famous groups as the Blackwood Brothers and the Statesmen.